Occasional Escape Edition
Watching Jordan became less important / Seeing this disease eat away my aunt’s organs...
~ Common / Between Me, You, and Liberation ~
My big sis, Achilia, gave me a greater respect for entertainment’s escapism. She’ll semi-cringe if she reads this, but she’s hella HELLA smart. So much so that I think she occasionally has hard times understanding the actions of us lesser beings. However, she’s also ridiculously loving, so balance prevails. She ensures others feel comforted without her having to play down. An intellectual curiosity, a loving nature, and mom duke’s brainwashing probably led her to her career in medicine.
So, can’t lie. Over a decade ago, when I found out that my sister is a consistent reality TV show watcher, I aint get it. And not just the, “Who knew that this floral patterned wallpaper would really open the room up,” type of shows, but also the clap.on.ev.uh.ry.syl.la.ble “I wish Teeti would,” junks as well.
Now reality shows aint never been much of my cup, but I’m not (really) mad at them or their viewers. However, I did mistakenly think it was a strange watch for my sister. Then, she simply told me once, “Sometimes I need a break from thinking and feeling so much...”
Ahhh. I get it, now.
A world of rabbit holes, deep feels, communication, and trauma may need a sunset every now and again. It’s dope when entertainment can spark the mind and purge the soul while entertaining, but sometimes it can just be...entertaining. And that’s kosher.
But sometimes, life is just too much “life”. The refuge you found in the nooks of a trashy book, OR melody of a weightless bop, OR viewing of champagne being tossed on pricey bundles...disappears. Sometimes there just isn’t an easy escape. Sometimes life is inescapably heavy. But word to big sis and Common, that’s kosher, too...